Sunday Service:
8:00 AM and
10:30 AM
Gifts and Donations
Gifts from parishioners are the primary means by which the church receives the financial resources to carry out our mission.
Your commitment helps the community of Holy Cross to keep our commitments to celebrate the sacraments, to educate, and to rise to the occasion of meeting increased needs locally and in the world around us, being a Light in the darkness and making God's kingdom present in our world.
Donations can take a variety of forms depending on their purpose and the church's needs.
The three types of gifts are:
One-time Giving
On occasion, someone may choose to make a one-time gift to the church. Such gifts are tax deductible, and we will be happy to provide you with a tax receipt. If a gift is not designated for a particular purpose, it will go into the church's general fund.
Memorial Giving
When a church member dies, the church often receives donations in the memory of that member. The disposition of these accumulated gifts is a sensitive matter that is determined by the church and members of the bereaved family.
The church keeps current a list of possible projects for the family's consideration. These options are intended to make possible a comforting and appropriate use of the received gifts consistent with the life of the deceased member and the wishes of the survivors.
Planned Giving
This type of giving can take a variety of forms. The simplest and best known is a bequest to the church in the donor's will. Other forms include Life Insurance, Charitable Gift Annuities and Undisbursed Retirement Assets.
As part of sound financial planning, all parishioners are encouraged to have a will. Holy Cross s hopes that its members will consider contributing to the ongoing Christian mission of the church in their passing, just as they have during their lives.
Holy Cross Episcopal Church can be named as beneficiary on insurance policies or as a recipient of undisbursed retirement assets. The church can also be a partner in a Charitable Gift Annuity wherein the donor receives regular income during his or her life from the principal, with any remaining principal left to the church upon the donor's death.
These and other planned giving arrangements can have substantial tax benefits for the donor and the donor's estate. Those who wish to include Holy Cross in their will, or to contribute through other types of planned giving, are urged to contact the Senior Warden, either directly or through their attorney, to ensure that their wishes are clear and that the details of an eventual legal transfer of estate assets are properly arranged.
Benefits for you
Give from anywhere using a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
No need to find a check or stop by the ATM.
Use your Checking / Savings Account or your Debit / Credit Card.
Schedule gifts to occur automatically.
Give to one or more funds at any time.
Benefits for Holy Cross
Decreases the need for manual record keeping by vestry members and volunteer staff
Improves accuracy in recording donations received (untouched by human hands!)
Reduces potential for error and fraud
Enables those that do not use a check book to contribute
Accommodates spontaneous giving
eGiving through a Holy Cross “Realm” account:
Realm, our new online church community, offers new and easy ways to give financially to support our ministries. Whether you want to set up a recurring gift or make a one-time gift, or split your donation between different funds, Realm makes it safe and secure to give online. We invite you to browse through the following guidelines to learn how to use giving in Realm. We hope you take advantage of this convenience.
If you indicated a wish to give online on the slip you returned in response to the 2018 Stewardship letter, an invitation has been sent to you via email with the subject “eGiving for 2018”.
If you have not received an email and would like to participate in online giving please send an email to or ask a member of the finance team.
To set up your Holy Cross Realm account:
Click the link in the email invite you received to create a Realm password
You will then receive a verification email from Realm.
Click the link in that email to verify your
Enter your birthday (date and month) or your phone number on the webpage that opens from that
You can now sign into your Holy Cross Realm Account using
Enter your email address, the one at which you received the invitation, and the password you created.
Then, click the Giving button on the left under Community.
Your Giving page will now appear showing your contributions this year.
To set up a gift, click +Give button.
You will now be on the ‘Give Now’ page and under ‘GIVING DETAILS’:
Enter an amount
In the box to the right of the amount click the down arrow next to ‘General Giving Fund’ to select which fund you wish to support
a) ‘General Giving Fund’ for your annual pledge to the operation of Holy Cross
b) ‘Priest Fund’ to make a payment against your pledge or to make a one-time gift to the Priest Fund
c) ‘Non Pledge General Income’ to make a non-pledged gift to the church.
Select a Frequency (as in a one-time donation or a recurring donation).
Enter your payment information. You can schedule gifts to automatically draft from an account of your choice (checking account, savings account, credit card, debit card) by clicking the down arrow to the right of the box labelled account type.
After entering all required payment information, click Give at the bottom to finish scheduling the donation.
You will then receive an email confirmation of your eGift. Wording for Email confirmation to be added
If you wish to be able to text a gift to Holy Cross or use a downloaded ‘app’, please send a request for set up information to