Sunday Service:
8:00 AM and 10:30 AM
5820 Myrtle Grove Rd
Wilmington, NC 28409
To the People of God,
This past Tuesday we had the pleasure of hosting Monk Thay from the Tung Lam Buddhist Temple off Gordon Road here in Wilmington. During the presentation I was struck by how alike Christianity and Buddhism are with regards to the values that we hold dear.
Buddhists believe in the following core structures: (1) discourse, (2) discipline and (3) teaching. These structures are accomplished through morality, meditation and wisdom, using the following eight attributes: right speech, right action, right occupation, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration, right understanding/view, and right thought.
In a world where there are so many distractions and where conversations and relationships can easily become superficial and maybe even hurtful, to be a member of the Buddhist tradition, one must engage in deep study or listening, thinking and practice using the attributes above. There is more to this faith than simply meditating and clearing one’s mind!
In the season of Lent, we are called to change things up. We are called to be engaged in deep soul-searching, listening and then to choosing to act. Our action may transform our lives and maybe even the lives of others.
How are you being changed this Lent? What is God calling you to do to make Lent YOURS?
Rev. Anne