Sunday Service:
8:00 AM and 10:30 AM
5820 Myrtle Grove Rd
Wilmington, NC 28409
Blessing Box
"A Blessing Box connects hearts and hands, weaving a community of generosity and gratitude, where one's gift becomes another's sustenance."
Our Holy Cross Blessing Box is now operational and serving our community. This outdoor pantry provides non-perishable food and essential hygiene items for those in need. If you'd like to contribute, please take a look at the suggestions below. Your donations can be placed in the storage bin found in the Church's entryway.
We also have a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for the Men’s Group members who wish to volunteer to restock the box. Hygiene items are particularly needed at this time.

Donation Guidelines:
1. Non-Perishable Foods:
Canned Foods: Vegetables, Fruit, Meats, Soup
Pouched Foods: Tuna/Salmon, Instant Potatoes, Cake/Brownie Mix, Beef Jerky
Mixes that Require Only Water: Muffins, Pancakes, Corn Bread, Biscuits
Dried Foods: Rice, Beans
Drinks: Bottled Water
Peanut Butter
2. Kid-Friendly Favorites:
Canned Foods: Pasta, Ravioli, Mac & Cheese, Soup
Snacks: Gummies, Chips, Cookies, Crackers, Granola Bars
Drinks: Juice Boxes/Pouches
Instant Foods: Jello/Pudding Cups, Instant Oatmeal Packets
3. Home & Hygiene Items:
Oral Care: Toothbrushes, Toothpaste
Hair Care: Shampoo, Conditioner
Personal Care: Body Wash, Deodorant, Lip Balm
Household Cleaners: Hand Soap, Laundry/Dish Soap
Paper Products: Toilet Paper, Tissues
Other Items: Wet Wipes, Band-Aids, Feminine Pads, Tampons, Wrapped Plasticware (take out), Garbage Bags
Items Not to Donate:
Please avoid donating the following: Razors, anything sharp, mouthwash, hand sanitizer, open/used items, homemade foods, expired items, rusty or unlabeled cans, non-factory sealed foods, and medications.