Sunday Service:
8:00 AM and 10:30 AM
5820 Myrtle Grove Rd
Wilmington, NC 28409

Join us on a spiritual journey, exploring teachings and vibrant discussions tailored for every age group.

Lenten and Holy
Week Schedule
Sunday Mornings throughout Lent
Spiritual Reflections 9:30 - 10:15 am
Wednesdays throughout Lent
Stations of the Cross 12:00 pm
April 13 Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday Services 8:00 & 10:30 am
Palm procession precedes service
April 17 Maundy Thursday
Mediterranean Agape Supper 5:30 pm
Foot washing, service, altar stripping
April 18 Good Friday
Stations of the Cross 12:00 pm
Service 6:30 pm
April 19 Holy Saturday
Burial of Our Lord 12:00 pm
Easter Vigil 7:30 pm
April 20 Easter Sunday
Sunrise service in Memorial Garden 6:00 am
Services 8:00 & 10:30 am
Trinity Landing service 3:00 pm
Upcoming Events
- Sat, Mar 29Holy Cross
- Sat, Mar 29St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
- Fri, May 09Holy Cross
- Order Now for Future EventsHoly Cross
The Connectors Club
Cookie Baking Update
Holy Cross welcomed four special needs adults and their caregivers to the HC kitchen on Friday, March 7.
With aprons on and spoons in hand, we set about making several dozen oatmeal raisin cookies. We had a lot of messy fun and enjoyed getting to know one another. We look forward to more times together as we deepen our relationship with Kriselyn, Mary Catherine, Amanda, Kyle and others yet to come.
The group also came up with a team name – the Connectors Club. Thank you for your support of this new ministry!

Sunday Morning Christian Formation Study During Lent
A series of spiritual/reflection sessions aligned with early church practices for Christian initiation and reclaimed by many Western churches for use in Christian renewal.
The sessions are designed to help parishioners delve more deeply into the spirit of conversion during the season of Lent. (NB: the sessions will not use the assigned Sunday readings.)
The sessions will be held during the 9:30 am Adult Education time slot on the following Sundays:
Session 1: March 9 (First Sunday of Lent) - “Knowing oneself”
Session 2: March 16 (Second Sunday of Lent) - “Forgiveness”
Session 3: March 23 (Third Sunday of Lent) - “Living Water"
Session 4: March 30 (Fourth Sunday of Lent) - “Light of the World”
Session 5: April 6 (Fifth Sunday of Lent) - “New Life”
Session 6: April 13 (Palm Sunday) - “Explanation of Passion Week, and re-affirmation of Baptismal Vows”
Class leadership is shared by Rev. Anne and Michael Cobb.

Our Mission:
To spread the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ with love and grace through worship, study and outreach.
A Note from Rev. Anne Abdy
Get to know us!
View photos from activities and events that take place in our community of faith.

We have many ways to get acquainted, share interests, and promote a loving community.
Choose to join us. You'll be glad you did and so will we!
This week's sign up is to participate in the Coffee Social Hour on Sundays. A relaxed meet and greet just waiting for you to be part of the fun. Complete the form on the side if you want to help.